You remember that Jo-Jo Shutty, who made history as the first female helicopter news traffic and
reporter in the U.S and Canada for CKLW radio, was married to CK's legendary news broadcaster
Byron MacGregor.
You remember no music broadcasts on Sunday nights...except on WJLB the soul station. They
would play Aretha Franklin, Temps, Marvin Gaye, Jackie Wilson. Their main sponsor was the
Gold Room at the Twenty Grand Nightclub. "Come on down to the Golf Room at the Twenty Grand,
where one bean will put you on the scene, so be keen, like Ernie D."
You remember near Thanksgiving time, Ted Strasser and his program, Patterns in Music, on WJR,
and his lovely reading of the last two leaves entitled "Winter."
You listened each night to the smooth voice of Bud Guest on WJR as he read his dad's poems
and played soothing music.
You remember Les Martens and "Music 'Til Dawn" sponsored by American Airlines on WWJ-AM radio.
Going to the Hullabaloo to see local bands like The Unrelated Segments and The Rationals.
You shopped at Wrigley's where they had child-sized grocery carts.
You remember Mr. Belvedere's backup slogan, "You'll look at it, you'll love it, and you'll
take your time paying for it," and how CKLW's Bozo, Art Cervi, used to quote that line on
Bozo's Big Top to Mr. Calliope (pronounced Cal-e-opie)
You had your first hot bagels ever from the New York Bagel Factory on Linwood while working
as a jumper on a Detroit News truck.
Sylvia Allen's Craft Shop in the old fire station at Waterworks Park on Jefferson and Cadillac.
Buying your first two-wheel bike at Ned's on Woodward between Collingwood and Calvert.
You know "Brewster the Goebel Rooster" was the Detroit Tigers sponsor.
Went to the National Bank of Detroit (downtown) to try on a glass slipper to see if it fit --
to make you feel like Cinderella -- and get a candy bar if it didn't.
You listened to The Electrifying Mojo (Charles Johnson) on WJLB at night as he landed
the mothership, and funkified listeners as members of the Midnight Funk Association.
You loved the Plantation Cake at Stouffer's and remember that when the Southfield restaurant
closed, that was the only recipe they published in the newspaper.
You remember the German U-505 submarine visit to Detroit in the early '50s.
You can answer the question, "When was the last time you had a good slug of the Redpop?"
You saw Johnny Pfeiffer in lights on the side of the Pfeiffer beer blimp.
The Gratiot Auto Supply TV commercials with the well-endowed Miss Hurst Golden Shifter
(Linda Vaughn) and her tag line "Gratiot Auto's BIG warehouse tent sale."
You reported to Fort Wayne when you were drafted, and your draft card was signed by
Pearl Wiggle.
You ate at the Mayflower Coffee Shop on Woodward, a block north of Hudson's, and recall
this saying on their menu:
As you travel through this life, Brother
What ever be your goal
Keep your eye upon the doughnut
And not upon the hole.
You collected door-to-door for (Detroit-native) Danny Thomas's St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and then going to the fabulous free concert for volunteers at Cobo Arena with
Motown's top stars.
You spent Friday nights at the Riveria Theater for the WKMH Rock and Roll Review.
You phoned WOodward 3-8800 and had The Detroit Times delivered.
You remember Lee Alan's Annual Christmas Tribute to soldiers near and far away,
"A Letter From Michael."
You remember playing your first hockey game outdoors at Wonderland on Schoolcraft.
You remember fish sandwiches and Vernor's floats from Biff's, and Blue Moon ice cream from
Stroh's — especially on hot summer evenings.
Rain or shine, you took the Concourse — not the street — between the New Center, Fisher
and GM buildings.
You had soup and a reuben sandwich for lunch at the GM Cafeteria in the basement of the
GM Building.
You remember seeing Harriet Berg and the Renaissance Dancers entertaining for the
Wassail Feast at the Detroit Art Institute.
You raced slot cars at Miller Feed Store in Redford.
You called Fenkell "Finkle."
You remember when Ernie Harwell invited Ty Tyson back to be a guest commentator for the
Detroit Tigers in 1965.
You remember Al Nagler calling the Red Wings games in the 50's on WJBK.
You ordered groceries from Parkstone Market in Detroit and had them delivered to your house.
You remember when WKMH held a disk jockey contest and the winner would replace vacationing
Robin Seymour. Ted LaFramboise from Lincoln Park High School was the winner.
You remember Carson Zeiter, the track announcer of the old Motor City Speedway at 8 Mile and Schoenherr, as "The Voice of the Speedway."
You spent many weekend nights on College Road near Henry Ford College in your GTO, Corvette, Mustang, Super Stock Dodge or Plymouth for a little heads-up street racing.
You remember the Marshall Wells Farm Report at 5:30 am on WJR.
You ice skated at Precious Blood field in the winter and swam at Butzel Pool in the summer.
You exercised with Ed Allen on Channel 4.
You listened to Bing Crosby sound-alike Jack Harris on WJR every morning.
You remember hearing Karl Haas on WJR say, "Good MORNING, everyone!"
You saw the Ice Capades at Olympia Stadium where the ushers wore red jackets and white and red police-style hats, and your feet would freeze if you sat too close to the ice.
Your parents took you to The Paradiso Café (Woodward & 6 Mile) where the controversial
Father Coughlin (pastor of the Shrine of the Little Flower) was a regular.
You remember the tiger teeth that came onto the tv screen whenever a Detroit Tiger would hit
a home-run during the 1972 season when Billy Martin was the manager.
You remember the toboggan run at Charles Dorais Park (Derby Hill) and the ice rink at
Farwell Field.
You remember newscaster Dick Westerkamp on WWJ-TV Channel 4, who began every broadcast by saying "Good evening, I'm Dick Westerkamp. The temperature in Detroit is ___."
You listened to jazz on WABX: "This is Rockwell, and these are records."
You remember going to the Boy's Club on Livernois off Michigan Ave.
You remember listening to "Joltin'' Joe Howard on WCHB.
You remember Butterball Jr. broadcasting live from White's Record Shop at 14th and Ferry Park on WCHB-AM and WCHD-FM who said "Wade Briggs is my Christian name; Butterball Jr. is my claim
to fame."
You went to Epps Army Surplus, Kay's Soda Shop, Curtis Market, S&C Restaurant and Varsity Lanes...all on Livernois.
You remember Sonny Eliot saying "Drizzling and breezy, or 'dreezy' weather today." Or you ate
at his restaurant, Sonny's Weather Station, at City Airport.
You heard the Gaylords (some of them Pershing HS grads) sing at famous places in Detroit.
You attended the 12-night celebration of the 250th anniversary (in 1951) of the founding of the Detroit
held in the old University of Detroit football stadium at Livernois and Six Mile Road.
You went to Bonnie Brook Clubhouse to hear Denny McLain play the Hammond organ.
You watched cowboy Justice Colt (played by JD Beemer, son of Lone Ranger radio actor
Brace Beemer) host movies on CKLW and WXYZ, sponsored by Party Sweet Candies.
You played pinball at the Time Zone Arcade on 7 Mile across from Osborn HS.
You listened to Rex the Singing Weatherman every morning on WDRQ 93.1 who made the weather reports interesting by singing out the town names, like "and it's 73 deeeeegreeees in Wyyyyyandotte."
You recall the Farmer Street exit from Hudson's where, if you managed to pass through the
Baked Goods department without several purchases, you were not human. And outside that door was stationed a tall, uniformed doorman who helped people in and out of their cars. A vision of strength and support, the personification of the J.L. Hudson building itself.
You remember JP McCarthy's Christmas sing-alongs in front of City Hall, later at Kennedy Square, complete with hot chocolate and donuts for all, and his charity golf outings. But mostly his voice over
the WJR airwaves, with a demeanor capable of softening the hardest of hearts.
You remember Jax Car Wash billboards that proclaimed, "A clean car rides better."
You know that Rouge Park's Spinoza Drive was also known as Lover's Lane.
On your rotary phone, you dialed WEATHER (WE 2-8437) or WE 2-1212 to hear the current weather
report, and GR 2-1212 (GR for Greenwich time) to get the current time.
You remember Penway, the local Polish radio and TV repair shop whose TV commercials advertised
their phone number as: Piec szesc siedm, osiem osiem zero zero.
You remember the great hydroplane races on the Detroit River broadcast live on WXYZ. Detroit teams fielded boats named "Gale", "Gale's Roostertail", "Smirnoff", "Miss U.S."
Sitting on the rocks at a park on the Detroit River and watching the boats sliding sideways
as they made the turn at almost 100 miles per hour during the hydroplane races.
You can still hear "W-K W-K WKMH, thirteen ten on your dial."
You know that WKMH broadcast from the Town House hotel in Detroit in 1956.
You can't hear Ray Charles' song What'd I Say without thinking that on Sunday you need to
"take Telegraph Road to Sibley and drive one mile east to Dix." Or to the voice of the
Detroit Dragway, Rube Weiss, who, among others, recorded their commercials.
You went to Uncle Russ' (Gibbs) Love-In.
You attended Annual Model Airplane Show on Belle Isle sponsored by Plymouth, with model planes
from all over the world: jet powered, motor driven, biplanes, dogfights, carrier landing aircraft,
large/small planes...and every size in between.
You hung out at the Dipsey Doodle Drive-in, corner of 9 Mile and Telegraph in Southfield ~
and loved their delicious DD burgers!
You ate at the Pickwick House restaurant with its neon sign and cozy wood interior.
You drove by WXYZ's Fred Wolf broadcasting his morning show from the "Wandering Wigloo" trailer parked on Jefferson Avenue.
You went to Dave's Hideout on Harper and Fleetwood.
You remember Uncle Sam's, Silver Dollar, and the other bars and clubs along Telegraph.
You watched 25 cent movies at the Eastown Theater on Harper and Van Dyke during the '60s
and then saw Joe Cocker play there in the '70s.
You remember the elderly European gentleman in front of Hudson's selling steamed chestnuts.
You picked up hot pizza and fresh canoli at Detroit Italian Baking Co. on Gratiot and Frazho.
You shopped at A.L. Damman Hardware on Kelly Road and Papes House of Gifts
on Houston-Whittier.
You remember Jo Mendie, the chimp at the Detroit Zoo that roller skated and rode a tricycle.
You remember the Detroit mounted police patrolling Woodward Ave.
You remember using your school bus card so you could ride for the DSR for a dime.
You called the Pipeline on Saturday afternoons and shouted out your phone number in hopes
that a teen (of the opposite sex, of course) would call you back.
You never called 6 Mile “McNichols.”
You remember Prophet Jones and Father Divine.
When S.S. Kresge opened their discount stores as K-Mart.
Redeeming pop bottles for a bag full of penny candy at Eddie's Barbershop and Candy Store.
You remember when the underground conveyor at the new Northland would take your grocery purchase
to the parking lot.
You could find anything you needed at Michigan & Schaefer: Federal's, S.S. Kresge, Revco,
Marianne's, Great Scott!, Sanders, "Monkey" Wards, Winkelman's, Frank's and Peach's Records.
You roller skated at the 9 Mile & Van Dyke Motor City Roller Rink.
You remember reading Edgar A. Guest poems in the Detroit Free Press.
You went to the big dances hosted by Tom Clay at the Light Guard Armory.
Or to Father Bryson's Friday night sock hops at Notre Dame HS hosted by Dave Prince
where you saw Stevie Wonder, Bob Seger and the Last Heard and the Rationals.
You listened to Tom Shannon ("The sun never sets on the Shannon Empire") and his nightly
show on CKLW radio called "Bear Skin Rug."
You danced at The Mummp at Northland Shopping Center.
When the Brown's or Wayne Creamery milkman delivered glass bottles of milk in his
horse-drawn wagon, and a small sign in your window let him know how many quarts you needed.
Or when the Ice Man, who wore a big leather apron and a leather cover on this shoulder, delivered big blocks of ice using a huge pair of tongs from a straw-filled wooden wagon.
You watched WKBD TV 50 and remember their song "In Detroit, The Kids' Choice Is TV 50."
You went to Cobo Hall as a little girl and stood in a very long line to try on a glass slipper to see if it fit. Prince Charming assisted. If it didn't fit, you got a beautiful
princess doll in a plastic case, shaped like a bell, with a handle.
You remember Knock Knock street.
You listened to music at Baker's Keyboard Lounge.
You know what Redpop really is.
You spent many Saturdays shopping at Five Points.
Three decade Detroit Free Press reporter Bob Talbert.
You remember the Seven Sisters smoke stacks on St. Jean off Jefferson.
You went to the rodeo at the Olympia to see Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.
In 1956, you went to the Fox Theater to see Elvis Presley.
You drank hot Vernor's when you were ill, on cold days after a walk
home from school, or at outdoor events in wintertime.
You saw Ricky Nelson and Elvis at the State Fair. Or the Rock & Roll Revival there in '71
when Johnny Winter and Edgar Winter and others turned the place upside down.
You rode the bus to Cobo Hall to attend the Auto Show using a discount coupon clipped from
the Detroit News, and you always bought the great smoked sausage they sold there.
You know the correct pronunciation of Sanders (not "Sahnders") and remember the kids’ silver
tray they'd hook to the top of the counter.
You remember calling Chandler Park’s small swimming pool 'Toenail Beach'
You walked the cobblestone streets in the basement of the Detroit Historical Museum.
You remember local bands like SRC, the Rationals, Red, White and Blues, Third Power,
Brownsville Station, Frigid Pink, MC5 and Savage Grace.
You cruised: 8 mile and ended up at Daly's drive-in on Groesbeck, or

Woodward from the Totem Pole to Ted's in Bloomfield,

or Hines Park in Dearborn, or Rip‘s or Jack’s Drive-In
Or you had a Detroit Egg Cream made with chocolate syrup, milk and Vernor's.
You bought Vernor's in a cardboard carton shaped like a megaphone with the little green gnome
printed on it.
JINGLES you can still recite from memory:
"When the values go up, up, up...
And the prices go down, down, down....
Low overhead...low overhead"
"School bells ring and children sing, it's back to Robert Hall again.
Mother knows for better clothes, it's back to Robert Hall again.
You'll save more on clothes for school.
Shop at Robert Hall."
"K-R-E-S-G-E, just the place for a shopping spree. Values high, prices low. Your
Kresge store is the place to go. Why go traipsing round the town when the best of
bargains can be found at K-R-E-S-G-E. Go to, go to, go to Kresge!"
"You can have worry-free home delivery…call Twin Pines!"
Daly's Drive-In radio jingle "It's round, it's ground, it's a quarter-pound, it's a
Daaaaaay-lee Burger!"
"WKNR AM & FM Dearborn. With offices in the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, Detroit”
"Speedway's going steady with Ethyl. The Ethyl emblem you'll always find, at the
sign of Speedway 79."
And you remember WKNR disc jockey Scott Regen.
You remember news anchor Vic Caputo.
And Terry Murphy, the 'foxiest' news lady of the ‘70’s.
Newscaster Carl Cederberg
Channel 2's two-time lead anchor Joe Glover and Detroit's first African-American female news anchor, Bev Payne.
Or that Everett R. Phelps' weather forecasts were more accurate than today's technology.
Or when WXYZ 's Johnny Slagle, Larry McCann and Johnnie "Scat" Davis were all hosts of
local shows broadcast from the Macabbees Building on Woodward Ave. in downtown Detroit.
Or Fred Foy, the announcer for Lone Ranger radio show sponsored by Silvercup Bread.
"Kokaine Karma Show" with MC5's Dennis Frawley and Bob Rudnick on alternative radio
WABX, the station that glows in the dark.
WJLB-AM's Donnie Simpson, "The Luv Bug."
"Music Man" Jim DeLand performed live on Saturday afternoons on WWJ radio from a glass
booth at the new Eastland Shopping Center.
Bob Reynolds and Charlie Sanders broadcasting the Detroit Lions games.
Or how about Detroit Tigers TV broadcasters Ty Tyson, Harry Heilmann, Paul Williams,
Dizzy Trout, Mel Ott, George Kell, Ernie Harwell, Bob Scheffing, Larry Osterman,
Don Kremer, Al Kaline, Joe Pelligreno and Mike Barry.
Or Detroit sports greats Gordie Howe, Al Kaline, Willie Horton, Dave Bing, Bob Lanier, Rocky Colavito and Alex Delvecchio.
What about one-armed Budd Lynch broadcasting the Detroit Red Wings (managed by
Sid Abel) hockey games from Olympia Stadium. Later, during the lean 70's, listening and watching
Budd with Bruce Martyn.
Also in Utica, Algonac/Marine City, Grosse Isle, Riverview/Wyandotte, Carleton/Newport,
Romulus/Dearborn, Rouge Park, Franklin/Bingham, Commerce/Union Lake, Auburn Hts,
Belle Isle, and at Selfridge AFB in Mt. Clemens.
You attended a Goodfellows game between the Catholic League and the Public School Champions.
You were a member of the Hudson’s Batboy Club.
You remember the North & South American boats that took passengers on an overnight
cruise to Mackinac Island.
You also recall the short-lived Aquarama, originally commissioned as the USS Marine Star,
that was revamped into a passenger cruise-ferry ship between Detroit and Cleveland (late '50s/
early '60s). You remember when it rammed the sea wall of (now) Windsor's Dieppe Gardens,
crashed into the Detroit News dock, bumped into a U.S. Navy cruiser near Cleveland, and threw
such a gigantic wake that swamped two small fishing boats and nearly drowned a two-year-old
girl at an Amherstburg beach.
You remember Miss DSR pictures on the side of the buses.
You remember Popsicle Pete, the man who came around the Parkside Projects with the best
homemade popsicles in his little cart.
Or you had Mr. Softee, the soft-serve ice cream truck that played a tune.
Or a fruit and vegetable truck and the man yelling, "Strawberries, three quarts for a dollar!"
Or a man who'd come around to sharpen your scissors and knives.
You filled up at the Sinclair gas station and got a dinosaur-shaped soap with a prize inside.
You remember Motor City Speedway on 8 Mile and Schoenherr, later replaced by Arlan's
and Al Long Ford.
You remember the 59ers as they departed from the Town Drive-In on their move to Alaska.
At a ball game in Tiger Stadium, you hear "Fat Bob" Taylor, the Singing Plumber,
belting out the National Anthem on Opening Day and other sporting events. He also sang the
Star Spangled Banner and Michigan Christmas.
You remember listening to the “Traveler’s Weather Forecast” every morning on WWJ-950, sponsored by Northwest Orient (sound of a Japanese gong) airlines.
You remember the monkeys in the glass enclosure on the lower level of Eastland Mall.
You were horrified to hear that Clyde Beattie from Barnum & Bailey Circus, while performing
in Detroit in the early '60s, got mauled by Caesar, a 250 lb. Siberian tiger.
Belle Isle bridge: the USS Tambor (SS-198) 1947-1959, USS Cero (SS-225) 1960-1967,
USS Piper (SS-409) 1967-1970, as well as a surface ship, the patrol craft escort and rescue
USS Amherst (PCER-853) from 1960-1970.
On hot days you tried to “swim” in the giant wading pool at Stoepel Park.
You remember Reddy Kilowatt saying "Live Better Electrically."
You remember four bowling alleys within a mile of one another on Schaefer between Paul
and Tireman: Holiday Bowl, Dearborn Lanes, Mercury Lanes and Schaefer Lanes.
You remember the Mason's Root Beer sign near Vernor and Dix.
You remember Irving Nussbaum of New York Carpet World, "The Better Carpet People."
You know what a Boston Cooler is and that it's not named after the city back east.
You heard of Paint-By-Numbers inventor, Detroiter Dan Robbins.
You remember Mort Neff, the host of Michigan Outdoors.
You remember buying hamburgers 8 for $1.00 at Top Hat or White Castle (at 8 Mile Rd.
and Gratiot, they were kitty-corner from one another) or at White Tower.
You bought candy, pop, beer, potato chips and cigarettes, etc. at your local 'party store.'
You remember when Detroit had a Playboy Club.
You rode the wooden escalators at Crowley's downtown store.
You listened to 'Frantic' Ernie Durham, one of Michigan's top rhythm-and-blues DJs, was
truly "frantic,” rapping and rhyming his way through every break.You remember him saying,
"I'll be right back, Jack, with another stack of shellac for you and doll-face too!"
You remember the window signs: "This family will not be bussed."
You recall January 30, 1962 when the front man for The Flying Wallendas faltered on the wire during
the 7-Person Pyramid while performing at the State Fair Coliseum. Three men fell to the ground,
two of them didn't survive.
You ordered a Swamp Water (a mixture of Coke and Squirt) at the Raven Gallery.
You remember getting grossed out by all of the fish flies that would swarm the street lights
every June, especially if you live near the water, and how crunchy they sounded when you rode
your bike over them...never mind the smell!
You spent summers swimming at the Chandler Park pool.
You remember the Gratiot 'castle' of Mother Waddles Perpetual Mission.
You remember all of the ballrooms of the '50s: Graystone, Walled Lake Casino, Bob-Lo,
Edgewater Park, Jefferson Beach, Grande, Eastwood Gardens and Vanity.
You put off doing your chores on Saturday mornings to watch Sealtest Circus.
You always loved seeing the Detroit Mounted Police patrol downtown and the State Fair.
You went to the Minor Key to see the Ramsey Lewis Trio.
You bought your posters, black lights and incense at The Village Green.
You drove all the way out to Jack's Scott's Dance Ranch at 16 Mile and Rochester Rd.
You still know the words to the Detroit Institute of Arts TV campaign "You Gotta Have Art."
(You gotta have art, miles and miles and miles of art, when life gets you down, you ought come on
down and get a start, you gotta have art...)
"Saturday night at Detroit Dragway" (audio) (Sibley at Dix) you watched the legends of racing
like 'Big Daddy' Don Garlitz or 'Dyno' Don Nicholson or saw Packer Pontiac's big
421 Catalinas tearing up the strip...all for a buck.
You remember when the million dollar Batmobile raced at 'beautiful' Motor City Dragway
(audio), three miles east of the Edsel Ford expressway on 26 Mile Rd.
You drove your souped-up street car with glass pack mufflers through the Detroit-Windsor
Tunnel in low gear to hear 'em 'back down.'
You watched The Friendly Giant Friendly Giantand Mr. Dress Up, or Austin Grant's
New Home Show on channel 9.
You remember the two tragic fires at Hazel Park Raceway in the late '60s.
You sang along with 70 local teens who were part of WJR's 'Make Way For Youth' chorus
directed by Don Large, and that one of the regulars on the program was Maureen Bailey,
J.L. Hudson's first Christmas Carol.
You listened to the Detroit Concert Band conducted by Leonard B. Smith play at Belle Isle
while the freighters drowned out the music with their horns, people paddled their canoes in the
canals near the bandstand and mounted police controlled the crowds.
You remember Lottie the Body who stripped at the Brass Rail on Grand Circus Park.
You remember when the Detroit Polo Club was at Nine Mile and Southfield.
You remember in 1964 that the Grand Marshall of the Hudson's Thanksgiving Day Parade
was Lassie.
You remember Grinnell's "world's largest mass piano concert" with up to 1,200 participants
at the State Fair Colosseum, Olympia Stadium and Cobo Hall. (The 30th concert in 1973
at Cobo Hall, was the last.)
You were around when WSU graduate student John Sinclair led a group of hippies called
Trans-Love Energies (which later evolved into the White Panther party) in their first major
Love-In on Belle Isle in 1967. It ended in a drunken brawl with 10 arrests.
You remember the miracles of Father Solanus Casey, a Capuchin friar who spent 23 years
at St. Bonaventure Monastery in Detroit.
You recall two lighted signs on either side of the Woodward as you crossed the bridge over
8 Mile Rd. that flashed giant C batteries and, later, Chesterfield cigarettes.
You still get chills when you think of Shock Theater every Friday night on WXYZ with its scary movies
(The Mummy, The Wolfman, The Invisible Man, Frankenstein, etc.) and its host, Mr. X (Tom Dougall,
a drama professor at the Detroit Institute of Technology), who opened the show with "Lock your doors...
dim your lights...and insulate yourself against SHOCK!"
You heard there were salt mines underneath Detroit and wondered if the stories were true.
You know where to find the Spirit of Detroit and who Marshall Fredericks is.
You spent many a Friday night at the Hideout.
You used a pillowcase to go begging on Halloween, and you yelled "Help the Poor!"
at every door. ("Help the poor, my pants are tore, I need some money to buy some more.")
You remember what Devil's Night used to be.
You remember the huge elm trees forming lush green tunnels over many Detroit streets in the summertime. Or when they'd come around to spray and tell you to stay in the house.
And the autumn smell of burning leaves when you'd rake huge piles to the curb for burning.
a Jefferson Ave. underpass) at the end of East Grand Blvd -- even though the sign at the
entrance read "Don't Sound Horn."
You took a class trip or a moonlight cruise to Bob-Lo with Captain Bob-Lo.
You remember running home from school so you could have Lunch with Soupy.
You rode a bus to Edgewater Amusement Park to ride the wooden roller coaster
(again and again) or the Salt & Pepper Shaker.
You remember "A fantabulous day for the family, at fan-tabulous Edgewater Park.
P.O.P. means 'pay one price'..."
Your mom packed the station wagon with kids, swimsuits, towels and peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches to spend the day at Metropolitan Beach.
You played in the "Big Ditch" as I-94 was being built.
You played tennis on Belle Isle's courts, or golfed at their par 3 course, both lit after dark.
Or went ice-skating, or for a horseback or canoe ride, rode in a pony-drawn carriage,
hand-fed the animals at the zoo, visited the aquarium, remember the teepee, or attended an
event at the Casino.
Or rode the big white roller coaster or found your way out of the Fun House at
Jefferson Beach Amusement Park.
Took a day trip and drove way out to Walled Lake Amusement Park where they had lots of
rides, a roller coaster, and to Walled Lake Casino for dancing.
When ice-skating was outdoors and Palmer Park was the place to do it. You also remember
its tennis courts, wading pool, golf, ice-skating, and horse and buggy rides.
And Rouge Park's Brennan Pools.
Or how about the Detroit Firefighters working the crowds at the fireworks, selling tickets to
their Field Day, and giving out firecrackers to the kids.
You rode a streetcar that ran on tracks down the center of Gratiot, Woodward, Jefferson,
Grand River or Michigan Avenue. Or the electric buses on Warren and Grand River.
You remember how all of the lights from the auto dealerships lit up Gratiot and Livernois
-- and that they only sold American-made cars.
You remember when Eastland, Wonderland and Northland were open malls.
And when Wonderland had animals in circular cages
You know how to pronounce Gratiot, Goethe, Livernois, Lahser, Schoenherr and Cadieux.
If someone tells you it's on Outer Drive, you know to consult a map first.
You thought driving to Southfield was going "out to the country."
You checked out books for two weeks from the Bookmobile that came to your school
once a weeknight.
You vividly recall the mineral bath smell (rotten eggs) when you drove through Mt. Clemens.
You remember Zoo Keys and talking storybooks and when admittance was free at the
Detroit Zoo. Train rides cost 10 cents, they had more than two of each species on display,
and when the nature trails bat house was destroyed by severe weather in the '60s.
You bought candy and nuts from window-lined, walk-around counter and wooden floors at
S.S. Kresge or Woolworth's ("dime" stores).
You drank Faygo, Towne Club, Grilli's, Sweet 16, Oso or Atlas pop (NOT 'soda').
Your mom saved Top Value, Holden Red, S&H Green or Gold Bell stamps.
Cunningham Drug Stores soda fountain and their raspberry phosphate.
Your school took a bus trip to the cider mill (with donuts and cider after the tour), or to
Kellogg's in Battle Creek.
Silverstine's was the candy store of Army and Navy surplus stuff.
You had a subscription to the three Detroit newspapers, including The Detroit Times.
You remember Jac LeGoff who eventually worked at every TV station around Detroit.
You visited the Wonder Bread Bakery and got to take home a mini-loaf of bread
(but you weren't cool unless you ate Silvercup bread).
You had a Shaffer's or Awrey's breadman and a Brickley's milkman.
Or a Twin Pines milkman, a Jewel Coffee man, and a Fuller Brush man
(and they were always men).
You remember Pure, Benzoil, Speedway 79, Monkey, Dance, Purple Martin, Sinclair,
Danny's Dino, Clark, Kayo and Gulf gas stations, and when "gas wars" meant 17 cents a gallon.
You remember Primo's Pizza, Carbone's Pizza, Red Barn, Powers, Henry's,
Herc's Beef Buffet, Cupid's, Tom's Tavern, Ted's 5x5, Totem Pole, Red Devil
or Richard's drive-in.
You attended a wedding reception or a banquet at Roma Hall.
You attended "Wendy Ward's Charm School" at Montgomery Wards.
You remember when Ben's Hi-Chaperelle and Watt's Club Mozambique were the places
to go to catch Motown acts.
Every year when the Blue Angels came to Willow Run Airport.
Or always wished you could be one of the Hudson's Teen Panel girls whose pictures hung
on the wall in the Juniors department.
You had friends or relatives who could get you into Camp Dearborn for the canteen
dances in the summer.
Or the pond at Belle Isle near the Conservatory where the sign warned you not to touch
the water.
You had a reverb unit installed in your car at Mickey Shorr's or Crazy Jack's
(a.k.a. Michigan Mobile Radio (MMR)) on Livernois.
You remember where you were when the riots of 1967 broke out.
When the bleacher seats at Briggs Stadium were only $2.00 to watch the Detroit Lions play.
And when they won the National Football Championship (before there were Superbowls) in
1957 against the Cleveland Browns, 59-14.
Thanksgiving wasn't complete unless first you went to the Hudson's Parade, then to
watch the Detroit Lions play the Green Bay Packers (always the Packers back then)
at Brigg's (later Tiger) Stadium.
You know guys who put up big antennas so they could pull in the Lions home games on
channel 6 out of Lansing.
And when the Red Wings won all those Stanley Cups in the 1950s, and balcony seats
at Olympia Stadium were only $1.25!
You remember Detroit wrestlers Dick the Bruiser, Bobo Brazil, Killer Kowalski,
Leaping Larry Chene, Wild Bull Curry, Ernie "The Cat" Ladd, Lord Athol Layton,
Edward "The Sheik" Farhat, Fritz Von Erich, George "The Animal" Steele and
Johnny Valentine.
You remember bowling for a quarter a game at Chandler Park Lanes, Falcon Lanes
(next to Gino's Falcon Show Bar), Fantasy, Denby Ramona, Flamingo, Pampa,
Chene Recreation, Parkside, Woods, Ritter's or Ritz bowling alleys.
You banked at Detroit Bank & Trust, Manufacturers National Bank ("That's MY bank!"),
Bank of the Commonwealth, City National Bank, or National Bank of Detroit.
You "parked" at Belle Isle either to watch the color-changing fountain or the submarine
races -- depending on how old you were and whom you were with :-) .
You were in awe of the Big Stove on East Jefferson at the entrance to Belle Isle
(before it was moved to State Fairgrounds' entrance).
You remember your mom taking your burned-out light bulbs to Detroit Edison to exchange
for new ones.
You remember the J. L. Hudson Co. (known to us as just "Hudson's") building on Woodward Ave. occupied an entire city block.
And you remember the white-gloved elevator attendants operating the expandable gate
and lever-locked door, and just before letting you out, she would call out the names of the
various departments on that floor.
You ate a Maurice Salad at a J.L. Hudson's cafeteria.
You went shopping during "DDD" (Downtown Detroit Days) when every store sold merchandise for
50% off or more.
You remember when Women's Hospital before it became Hutzel Hospital.
You remember the world’s largest flag would be draped across the front of Hudson’s downtown
every June on Flag Day.
You would ride the bus downtown at Christmas and stand in line at Hudson's 12th floor amid a fabulous winding, animated Santaland just to see Santa.
Or you remember going to see Santa Claus at the Northland Mall igloos because it was
televised and you hoped your friends would see you.
You watched the 'old guys' play bocce ball at Buddy's Rendezvous Pizza or sang the Schnitzelbank
song at the Dakota Inn.
You remember when Mayor Cavanagh would give Santa and Christmas Carole (who always looked
like she should be freezing in her short red velvet outfit trimmed with white fur) the keys
to the city at the end of every parade.
You remember the Detroit Tiger's pitcher Mark "The Bird" Fidrych.
You remember watching the Detroit Pistons and the WHA Michigan Stags hockey games
at Cobo Arena.
How about Al Ackerman ringing Big Al's bell for the Sports Hero of the Day.
And watching Cadillacs being made on Clark Street.
Going to the Better Made potato chip factory and getting small bags of brown chips or shoe
strings before going to the Jewel movie theater.
Or the giant cow head located on the side of the Ira Wilson Dairy off the I-94 service drive.
(Now, it only says "ILSON;" much of the stack has been taken down.)
You remember hearing the air raid sirens on Saturday at 1 pm.
You remember the waterfall on the back of the movie screen at the Gratiot Drive-In.
You remember the RAF bomber flying from England in October 1958 that crashed on
Ashland Ave near the Detroit River. Wreckage scattered to nearby Grosse Pointe Park.
Your neighborhood had a man who came down the alley on his horse-drawn carriage, honking
his horn or yelling out, collecting the stuff no one wanted, like bicycle parts, wheel rims, etc.
You remember going to the drive-in and getting blasted by mosquito spray from the back
of a pick-up truck that drove up and down the lanes.
You ordered Cold Duck at the Ponchartrain Wine Cellars
(the restaurant/bar where it was invented) and enjoyed a frog leg dinner.
Trips to Western Market.
Arriving home from college at the Michigan Central Depot.
Playing at one of the big piano recitals at Olympia with 200-300 other kids.
You got a piece of buttercream or bumpy cake at the Sanders cafeteria downtown, right across
from Hudson's. Cream puffs and hot fudge toppings...yum!
You remember when Eastland's real gold mouse on the lion statue was filed off and stolen.
And what about climbing all over that big stone hippo...then they'd move it...
You remember the Christmas festivities at the Ford Rotunda before it burned down.
The Reddi Whip Can on Telegraph Rd., under the Michigan Ave. overpass.
Or the "Gas Is Best!" sign on the big gas tank near Detroit City Airport.
Or the big electronic sign at I-94 and I-75 that tracked new vehicle production.
You went to the lavish Michigan Theater downtown to see a movie, or to the
Ford Auditorium for a show.
You remember mayors like Albert E. Cobo, Louis Miriani, Jerome P. Cavanagh and
Roman S. Gribbs.
You saw a wide-screen movie at the United Artist Theater, like Around the World in
80 Days, or Seven Wonders of the World at Cinerama.
Or when the WXYZ television station was located on Woodward in the Macabbees Building
across from the Detroit Institute of Arts and a few blocks north of the old Vernors plant.
In 1959, they moved to a new home known as Broadcast House in Southfield (until 1984).
You "cruised" Big Boy's drive-in at 8 Mile & Dequindre (better known as Dixie's),
or the one at 9 Mile & Jefferson, or Grand River off Woodward.
Or through McDonald's in Madison Heights after a football game.
You played putt-putt golf or jumped on the tramps at Burkemo's near Olsen's Beach.
You were served a root beer float and a foot-long hot dog or a mama burger in your car at
A&W's (pronounced A-IN-DUBS).
You've ended up at a Time or Clock restaurant after the bars closed.
Ordered fries and a shake at Dunkenburger ("Dunks") at 8 Mile and Kelly.
Or the barbecued beef sandwiches or chicken pies (rated tops by Duncan Hines) at
Hedge's Wigwam on Woodward in Royal Oak.
You remember the Raven Gallery on Woodward, or the Chess Mate on Livernois.
Or the Ellwood, Purple Pickle, Moby Dick, Chalet Lounge or Colonial Lounge.
You went to Verne's Bierstube for burgers and beer, and The Snug near Wayne State
for ice cream (they didn't allow kids).
You know what it means if someone tells you to "hit 8 Mile."
You remember the "Club Polka" TV show with Stan "Stosh" Wisniach on the accordion.
Or "Madman Muntz" for Muntz TV.
You got your car repainted at Earl Scheib's "I'll paint any car, any color, $29.95!"
You remember Dick Purtan, now on WOMC-FM 104.3, on WKNR-AM (1965-67),
WXYZ-AM (1968-78) and CKLW-AM (1978-83).
You remember walking around Detroit Metro Airport when there were no guards or gates
and you could walk outside on the observation deck to watch planes arriving and departing.
Or how about Lee Alan, "On The Horn" whose opening song was Zing Went The Strings
Of My Heart. "Now I can't sing...but hear me swing! Whoooeee! We'll have something
old to play, something new in review and a couple of things to say. Between now and midnight
you're going to hear some of the most fantastical round ones in this big old town. We'll call it
'the cream of the crop until 12 o'clock!'"
And then there was Club 1270 with Joel Sebastian and Lee Alan.
You listened to the Kelly & Co. variety/talk show in the morning.
Motown studios -- when they were actually headquartered and recording in Detroit!
And to the Battle of the Bands with Ted Nugent.
You remember yard long beer and ballads at the Poison Apple.
You can point to the 1975 photo of Cobo Arena on the back of the Kiss Alive album and show people where you sat during the concert.
You went to Saturday concerts in Kennedy Square.
Or a "grasser" (concert) where you sat on a blanket on the lawn.
You shopped at the Broadway Market, an indoor produce, meat and deli market with lots
of sawdust on the floor and the best of every edible item you could think of.
You called WKNR (Keener) when they'd announce the last two digits of your phone number,
even when you didn't know the name of the song, just to get the Keener pin.
Or how about Joel Sebastian's Movin' Memories Sunday night show, his sock hops
or March of Dimes dances with the Motown stars of the future, Marvelettes, Eddie Holland
or Marvin Gaye, for $1.50 a show.
You thought driving to Troy was going "out to the country."
You remember the "Big Snow," the one that kept you out of school.
You heard the Good Humor man ringing his bells two streets away, usually
around dinnertime.
You remember Twin Pines or Sealtest delivered milk and juice to the chute on the side
of your house.
Or the (Free Press or News or Times) paperboy delivered your paper by bicycle using a
huge bag, then collected on the weekends with a change-maker hanging from his belt.
Your tour of the Stroh's Brewery ("From one beer lover to another, Stroh's beer") included
a sandwich, a beer and a souvenir glass.
Or maybe you preferred Pfeiffer, Schlitz, Goebel 22, Prost, or E & B beer.
Or the fancy drinks at the Chin Tiki, or...
You remember the Gold Cup and Silver Cup Races, and seeing the people line up
along the Detroit River near Belle Isle to watch the annual hydroplane races with
"Miss Budweiser," "Miss Pepsi," "Miss Supertest," "Gar Wood," "Slo-Mo-Shunand,"
"Such Crust," (sponsored by Shaefer's Bread) and "Miss Madison."
You remember that the Red Wings AND the Beatles played at Olympia Stadium
(The Old Red Barn).
Cruising Telegraph from Grand River to Michigan past Telway, Big Boys, Burger King,
Daly's and Blazo's.
Cruising north Gratiot drive-ins: Scotts, Jupiter, A&W, T&C, Starlite, Midgions and Wells
Dances at 182 Hall, Franklin LYI and The Pumkin.
You ordered a salad, steak and baked potato at the Flaming Embers at Woodward
and Grand Circus Park for only $1.99.
You saw Marvin Gaye or the Supremes sing at the Olympia Stadium, the Roostertail
or 20 Grand Lounge.
And all of the top bands at the Eastown Theater.
Or the Graystone or Vanity Ballroom, and that all the great ballrooms became
psychedelic rock barns in the 60s.
You danced to the live music of The Temptations at your high school sock hop and
Motown music was all over the radio.
You went on Detroit Bandstand hosted by Dale Young. You ordered the tickets by mail
and your mom would drive you and a friend to the studio on Second Blvd.
You danced under the mirror ball or saw The Who or Janis Joplin at the Grande Ballroom.
And you know that owner Russ Gibb brought all of the psychedelic and power rock bands there
in the late 60's/early 70's.
You remember a hip newspaper called The Fifth Estate.
You remember the Detroit Wheels football team.
You went to the Motown Revue at the Fox Theater and saw the Four Tops, the Temptations,
Gladys Knight and the Pips, the Supremes, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye and
Tammie Terrell, and Willie Tyler & Lester...all for $3.00!
You remember when Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels were big.
And Martha Jean the Queen, a Motown DJ.
Or dancing to Rusty Day & the Midnighters at the Chatter Box, a teen nightclub at 13 Mile and
Mound Rds.
Or every Sunday afternoon, Johnny Walenda would host Teen Age Nightclub,
a party / talent show / dance at the Gay Haven in Dearborn.
Or having your prom at the Masonic Temple downtown.
You sometimes wonder what happened to Jimmy Hoffa.
You remember when there was no Lodge Freeway, no I-696, and I-75 only went
as far as Troy.
You knew someone who went to John Williams' Beauty School after high school
to become a beautician. Or to Virginia Farrell Acadamy and the Clairol Institute.
You remember your first strawberry, chocolate or vanilla Creamale in a frosted glass from
Vernor's at the foot of Woodward near the Bob-Lo Boats. A bearded troll on every bottle and
always a sneeze on the first sip.
You remember Crystal Pool at 8 Mile and Greenfield.
Or how about Kiddieland Amusement Park on 8 Mile between Schaefer and Greenfield.
You remember Plum Street when it was trying to imitate Haight Ashbury.
When there were signs on the lawns of homes in Highland Park during the block-busting
years that said "This home NOT for sale."
When the freighter Montrose sunk under the Ambassador Bridge in 1961 (a big attraction
while riding the Bob-Lo boat).
You remember Paw Paw Charlie (Charlie Maxwell), a Detroit Tiger who was known for hitting
home runs on Sundays.
You remember the Detroit Shopping News.
Derby Hill when there were soap box derby car races sponsored by Chevrolet.
The giant clown slide at Lasky Playfield they cemented up after someone got hurt.
When Eastern Market was the only place to get your flowers for spring planting.
And when Joe Muer's had a restaurant near there.
When Sam's department store was behind Hudson's downtown (and it had nothing to do
with Sam Walton).
Going to the Top Hat Supper Club to see Sonny & Cher. Or you remember your parents
going to the Metropole or Elmwood Supper Clubs, all in Windsor.
You remember when Sunday meant getting dressed up to go to church, family dinners,
quiet streets, and closed stores.
You pronounce Kmart as Kmarts, and Ford as Fords.
You had an Uncle (Joshua Doore) in the furniture business.
You remember Belvedere Construction's phone number TYler 8-7100 and their mottos:
"We Do Good Work" and "Have No Fear With Belvedere.”
You remember Mr. Belvedere (Maurice Lezell) sitting next to Conrad Patrick and saying
"I'm glad you asked me that, Conrad."
You thought the Big Tire on I-94 might roll away one day. Or you tried to image how big the
car was that it came from. Or how it picked up that nail (now removed).
You had breakfast with Santa at Crowley's downtown and got to take your hot chocolate
mug home with you.
You crawled all over the Golden Goose at Westland Mall and thought the golden egg
seemed so BIG!
You remember the moving E & B Beer sign on Third and Grand Boulevard.
Or the animated, fife-playing cartoon character “Johnny Pfeiffer” on the beer sign at the
corner of Tireman and West Grand Blvd.
Or going to the GM Building to see model cars made by kids as future designs.
When you could go to the top of the Fisher Building.
Or, watching the billboard that blew smoke rings at Grand Boulevard and Gratiot while
waiting at the bus stop.
You played at the Ridgemont Golf Course in East Detroit (before it became Eastpointe).
The TV2 Swimmobile held thousands of gallons of water in a portable swimming pool
hauled by a semi truck that would come to your neighborhood in the summertime.
You remember Black Bart, and the Faygo pop song:
"Which way did he go, which way did he go? He went for Faygo Old Fashioned Root Beer"
and their slogan "I'm too pooped to participate."
Or Uptown, the pop with the little guy (Herkimer) who grew tired blowing up bottles, and told
his boss "I'm too pooped to participate." His boss advises, "Then live it up up with Uptown!"
You remember going to lunch downtown at Greenfield's (for the cloverleaf rolls)
or to Quickee's.
You told your mom, husband, boyfriend, sister, friend, meet you under the
Kern's Clock.
You went to the Big Cow at Mack and Dickerson for ice cream.
You had the pleasure of being "served" at Victor Lim's in Grand Circus Park.
You knew someone who was born at Memorial, Receiving or Crittendon Hospital.
You had a car with a "Sock it to 'em Tigers" bumper sticker, and you remember
Terry Cashman's "Tiger Baseball" song.
You can still hear 'The Voice of the Tigers' Harry Heilmann's broadcasts. When the Tigers
were out of town, he'd read the play-by-play from a teletype.
You were proud...then embarrassed...of Tigers pitcher Denny McLain.
You heard "Rollie Pollie Mickey Lolich, Tigers Won the Series" playing on Keener.
You remember trying to decide which downtown side-by-side restaurant to eat at,
Lafayette or American Coney Island.
You remember when going to The Top of The Flame in the gas building downtown was
THE place to go after the prom.
Velvet Peanut Butter with the three little imps named Fresh, Pure and Delicious.
Farrell's, where you loved to go for your birthday. The sound of a siren and a banging
drum meant you'd ordered the The Zoo, a HUGE bowl of assorted ice creams and toppings
that arrived on a stretcher (and you got to sign the Pig's Trough with much embarrassment).
If you ate it all, it was free!
You know that WJR as "The Greatest Radio Station in the World" and broadcasted from the
"Golden Tower of the Fisher Building.”
You watched Rita Bell's "Prize Movie."
"Dialing for Dollars" with Larry Adderley, or
Bob Allison of "Ask Your Neighbor," "House Detective" and "Bowling for Dollars," or
Fred Wolf hosting "Championship Bowling" on Sunday mornings, or
Don Kremer and Chuck Walby as co-hosts of "Beat the Champ," or
Crafts with Carol Duvall (now on HGTV).
You remember weatherman Sonny Eliot using a chalkboard map to fill in temperatures and forecasts
for rain or snow, along with removable Keweenaw peninsula. And his weekly TV program "At The Zoo."
And opinionated newscasting by Bill Bonds
You watched the Lou Gordon Show with Lou's wife Jackie as co-host, tellin' it like it was.
The Lady of Charm, Edythe Fern Melrose.
Or George Pierrot's "World Adventure Series," one of the first local color programs
offered in Detroit. (Who can forget George occasionally dozing off on the set.)
You remember Van Patrick and Mel Ott broadcasting the Detroit Tigers games from
Tiger Stadium on radio station WKMH ("At 1310 on your dial").
You remember Ernie Harwell and George Kell.
And Byron MacGregor on CKLW 20-20 News.
And Mary Morgan and the Million Dollar Movies she hosted with her dog Liebshein
on CKLW channel 9 on Sunday afternoons, after Bill Kennedy "At the Movies."
And Dave Diles, and J.P. McCarthy.
And Detroit's first husband and wife news team, John Kelly and Marilyn Turner.
You listened at night to WJBK's Ed McKenzie as Jack the Bellboy, then Tom Clay
who started the "Beatles Booster Club" and whose theme song was "That's All."
And "The Bird," Robin Seymour, DJ and host of "Swingin' Time" on CKLW. Or even further
back, "Bobbin with Robin" on WKMH.
Or you were a fan of Bud Davies' Top Ten Dance Party.
You listened to Pie Plant Pete, Bashful Joe, and Bud Guest (son of Edgar Guest) on WJR in
the mornings, and their advertiser was Detroit-based Pet-Ritz pies, "Like momma used to make!"
Or maybe your favorite DJ was Johnny Slagle and Pat Tobin ("Pat 'n' Johnny Show")
whose theme song was Cherokee by Charlie Barnett, and sign-off message was
"So long, kids. Love y'all!"
And Jay Roberts, host of "Night Flight 760" on WJR where we went around the world.
Or Morgus the Magnificent, the mad scientist who did the weather on Ch 2 at 5:55 pm
weekdays, then host a scary movie (usually a Japanese sci-fi) Saturday nights at 11:30.
You called Channel 7's Jerry Stanecki "The Newshawk" for help when you got ripped off.
You remember Sir Graves Ghastly, the host who dressed as a vampire and showed
horror movies on Saturday afternoon.
And The Ghoul.
Watching Armchair Theater and hearing "Ready projection." "Ready, Mr. Dale."
"Lights out, please. Roll 'em."
Or how about Tom Ryan who hosted WKBD Channel 50's The Captain Detroit Show,
where he played Sgt. Sacto from 1967-1970. (In 1982, he was the wacky vampire
Count Scary on WDIV Channel 4 which is still seen every Halloween around Detroit).
Or Sagebrush Shorty (Ted Lloyd) and his puppet pals Skinny Duggan and
Broncho Billy Buttons.
How about The Green Hornet?
You remember when the only TV channels were:
2 ~ WJBK (CBS)
4 ~ WWJ (NBC)
7 ~ WXYZ (ABC)
9 ~ CKLW (CBC)
On a good day, you could tune in 11 and 13 out of Toledo. In later years, UHF 50 & 56.
- Let’s See Willy Dooit starring Willy Dooit, Gee-Whizzer, Applesauce the Dragon, Professor Smart. and Molly Cuddles
- Milky the Clown (Clare Cummings), "Milky's Movie Party"
- Soupy Sales (Milton Supman, also known as Milton Hines) and his Bird Bath Club, along with (Clyde Adler as) White Fang ("the meanest dog in all of Dee-troit"),
Black Tooth ("the sweetest
- dog in all of Dee-troit"), Hippy the Hippo, and Pookie the Lion. Who can forget Willie the Worm, Marilyn Monwolf, and The Man at the Door?
- Jingles (Jerry Booth) in "Boofland," and Herkimer Dragon, Cecil B. Rabbit, the King of Boofland and Mr. Binki the Postman, all voiced by Larry Sands.
- Jerry Booth's Fun House with a purple moose head mounted on the wall named Clyde, who always said "Uh-huh."
- Johnny Ginger (Galen Grindle), "Curtain Time Theater" and "The Johnny Ginger Show"
- Bozo the Clown (played by both Art Cervi and Bob McNea)
- Captain Jolly (Toby David) and Poopdeck Paul (Allan Schultz) brought us Popeye cartoons on Channel 9 (CKLW) and an appreciation of spinach.
- Ricky the Clown (Irv Romig) whose sponsor was Tip Top bread.
- Wixie the Pixie (Marv Welch), host of Wixie’s Wonderland, whose sponsor was Bosco
- WWJ’s kiddie show Playschool with Mary Melody, hosted by Marv's ex-wife Eleanor.
- Harry Jarkey, the host of Our Friend Harry, a morning variety show on WXYZ. Then on
- Saturday mornings in 1959, Fun House, a game show for kids.
- Romper Room with Miss Ardis (Kenealy) and Miss Flora (Asseltine)
- The Lone Ranger and Sergeant Preston of the Yukon played by Brace Beemer.
- Oopsy the Clown (Bob McNea)
- Auntie Dee's (Parker) and Uncle Jimmie (Stevenson)
N O W . . .
What's the magic word? Twin Pines !
for more Detroit Memories!